Belgian Times

The Future of Anti-corruption: Artificial Intelligence and Beyond

Athens (Brussels Morning) As the EU moves closer to imposing the world’s most restrictive AI development policy, the European Parliament is considering stringent new rules on the use of artificial intelligence, including forcing chatbot producers to notify if they utilize copyrighted material.

Parliamentarians are set to propose legislation requiring makers of products such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT to declare whether copyrighted material is being used to train their AI models, allowing content creators to seek reimbursement. MEPs also want developers, such as OpenAI, to bear responsibility for the misuse of AI programs, rather than smaller enterprises that employ them.

In 2017, the European Council called for a ‘sense of urgency to address emerging trends

including “issues such as artificial intelligence …, while at the same time ensuring a high

level of data protection, digital rights, and ethical standards”. Since 2017 the logical question has risen, is, which is the approach of the legislator and officials? And this is because developments in AI are running, and certainly within 6 years a lot has changed.

Like any technology, AI is either a gift to humanity or a potential disaster due to its mismanagement.

While officials in Brussels do not have a particularly clear position and focus on the details, businesses have already developed AI exploitation models with a 2050 vision.

Corruption in the corporate world has been a significant issue for many years. From bribery to embezzlement, fraudulent activities can significantly damage a company’s reputation and bottom line. However, by using AI-powered solutions, companies can quickly identify and mitigate risks associated with such activities.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a powerful tool in the fight against corruption, and its implementation in corporate settings can significantly reduce instances of corrupt practices. With the rise of AI, companies can now leverage technology to detect and prevent fraudulent activities more effectively and create a culture of transparency and accountability.

Show me the Data

AI «feeds» on data. The quality of these is not the fault of the developer but also of the supplier. In our case, the information available on the internet, the publications of the companies, and the respective governments.

One of the significant benefits of AI in the fight against corruption is the ability to detect anomalies in data. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns that may indicate fraudulent activity. For example, if a company’s financial records show sudden and unexplained increases in expenses, AI algorithms can flag those expenses for further investigation.

Another benefit of AI is its ability to monitor activities in real time, thus preventing fraudulent activities before they occur. For instance, AI algorithms can monitor employee emails and detect keywords that may indicate corrupt practices such as bribery or kickbacks. By using AI-powered tools, companies can also ensure that all transactions are authorized and recorded, and any deviation from standard procedures can be flagged and investigated.

Moreover, AI can also facilitate better decision-making processes in the corporate world. By analyzing data and identifying patterns, AI can provide insights that can help companies make informed decisions that minimize the risk of corruption. For example, AI algorithms can analyze supplier data and identify any potential conflicts of interest, enabling companies to make informed decisions about their suppliers.

A New Culture

According to the OECD’s recent publication, the economic impact of language models is significant and growing, especially with the rise of huge AI language models. Language, whether written, spoken or visual manual, is the primary mode of human communication because it enables people to participate in society by teaching them how to socialize and learn.

Language abilities can help individuals and society economically, improve intercultural skills and worldwide cooperation, and lead to new and inventive ways of thinking and working across cultures. AI language models, as a result, have the potential to have a huge impact on both industry and government.

According to a European Parliament briefing, new AI technologies in general have enormous potential for advancements in business, agriculture, health, education, and other fields. Many scientists and politicians, however, are pushing for the creation of a legal and ethical framework to avoid possible negative consequences from the use of such technology.

AI can be useful in promoting a culture of transparency and accountability. By using AI-powered tools, companies, organisations and can maintain a transparent record of all transactions, making it easier to track and analyze any irregularities.

AI-powered solutions can provide employees and officials with the necessary tools to report suspicious activities anonymously, thus reducing the fear of retaliation and promoting transparency in the workplace.

In conclusion, AI has the potential to significantly reduce instances of corruption in the corporate world. By using AI-powered solutions, companies can detect and prevent fraudulent activities more effectively, create a culture of transparency and accountability, and promote ethical business practices. As more companies adopt AI-powered solutions, the future of anti-corruption in the corporate world looks promising.

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